To be able to make a booking for a service from Bensa you have to provide us some personal information. Personal information means information that identifies you and your location. The personal information that we normally requires are your full name, residential address, telephone number and email address.
When you provide us your personal information you automatically agree to this Privacy policy. To transmit information across the internet involves a risk that you have to be aware of. Bensa will not be held responsible or liable for any or all damage that may occur as a result of transmitting information across the internet.
The purpose that we collect the personal information is to be able to confirm your identity so that we can deliver the service you requested from us as well as for direct marketing purposes. We endeavor that your personal information will only be used for the above mentioned purposes. We endeavor to keep your personal information confidential unless you give consent to disclose it, however your consent will not be asked if it is required by law to provide the information. To update you regarding our services, general information and offers we will use your personal information for direct marketing. If you for any reason would like to be taken of the list for update regarding our services, general information and promotions, you can always contact us directly.
To get access to the personal information we hold about you, you may request it in writing to Bensa. Your request will be processed as soon as possible. The request can be denied and we will provide the reason in writing if this is the case. If you have any comments or complaint you can contact our Management. It is your responsibility to keep the personal information updated. Any information that needs to be updated, corrected or added you can do this via the website or by contacting our coordinator at the office. Bensa will not be liable for any .
With professional help we have created a website that is secured. We strive to keep your personal information confidential and are using firewalls, personalized log in with password. However, there is no guarantee that Bensa can keep your personal information safe and Bensa will not be liable for any breach of security or disclosure of information or loss due to any link or in association to the internet in any way. If any of the information that you provide Bensa is inaccurate or false, Bensa will not be held liable for holding or relying on that information.
To ensure that the payment is done in a secured way we are working with CCAvenue that is Asia's largest payment gateway. They have the expertise of processing 500 million transactions annually. Their payment platform is fast and secure. CCAvenue's Fraud & Risk Indification System & Knowledgbase is controlling every transaction to provide a secure payment gateway.
Bensa may in its sole discretion, add or subtract forms of protection to adjust the security of the website as it sees fit.
For security, quality and statistical purposes, we may use cookies to log the information about your internet protocol address, the date and time of your visit, the type of browser you were using, the pages you have accessed and documents you have downloaded or other information that is essential in the relation to Bensa's privacy policy and terms and conditions. When you agree to this privacy policy you agree that we may use cookies to collect above mentioned information.
If there is a link to any other website from our website it is not a part of Bensa and we will not be responsible for any liability connected to that website or responsible for the Privacy Policy on any other website. This Privacy Policy is only valid on our website. Before you provide us your personal information, please make sure that you are on our website and that you agree to this Privacy Policy document.
This Privacy policy document will be reviewed from time to time. When reviewed it might be updated with some changes and/or additional information. The updated version will be posted on this website, so we encourage you to review this Privacy Policy on a regular basis to be aware of the current Privacy Policy. It is your responsibility to keep yourself updated with the Privacy Policy. Bensa (including all staff, coworkers and/or management) will not be liable for any damage or loss that you may occur in relation to failure to read an updated Privacy Policy.
We are available to answer any questions, comments or complaints regarding Bensa Cleaning and Technical Services L.L.C. You can contact us by email at or by phone on 055-‐5513029 or 055-‐5513092. If you think we have not followed this Privacy Policy or if you would like to exercise your rights according to this Privacy Policy, please contact us as soon as possible on the above mentioned email address or phone number. When we have received your information, we will work together to resolve the issue.